Friday, February 26, 2016

Like attracts like

So anyway I had a good day. I am trying to make sure my thoughts are good. I thought I lost money and than I started going into a negative space. I ended up finding what I though I lost. I did start to see my mind taking a detour and than I was attached to something that made me more depressed. I bounced out of it though.

Its soooooooo important to make sure to keep my thoughts good so I can attact more and more good stuff. The doors are opening. I have been sticking to my goals.

Everything works out. As long as I keep asking the lord into my life and asking for his help and listening. Everything works itself out beautifullly.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

listening to the holy ghost makes life so much more easy

 For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do.

I am starting to listen now and my life is much easier. I trust what god has in store for me and the path he is choosing for me. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Not eating processed food

Makes a huge difference. I feel so much more cleaner.

Still doing my gallon of water.
Green drinks and no processed food. It's working. I feel so much more cleaner and clear minded.

Friday, February 19, 2016

How to win friends and influence people

"Criticism is futile because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him strive to justify himself. Critisim is dangerous, because it wounds a persons precious pride, hurts is sense of importance and arouse resentment".

I have critisised people out of love. Maybe I dont' need to do that at anymore. I myself like honestly just because I have aspies and I want truth. The trippy thing

Anyway. This book is amazing. I really want to make sure I am following these rules. I just want to always be honey and sweet with words. Always. There is no excuse to not be.

"As much as we thirst for approval we dream codemnation"

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Hail coming down

So I feel pretty good about yesterday. I stuck to my 30 min plan. What I did was cleaned and arranged for 30 mins. Nothing more or less. I played the guitar for 30 mins. I know with out question that I do those things. I will for sure reach my goals.

I also got really cheap food that I can make that it vegetarian.

I met up with my goal today by getting a gallon of water that is akaline. I drank a whole gallon yesterday.

The hail was coming down pretty strong today but I feel it's all going to be okay.

I do need to get me a new umbrella though.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


 I am starting to feel it! 

47 Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God withjoyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things;

Why fear anything?

I don’t want to live in fear anymore. I got over a lot of fears in the past.

I just need to step in my power always and realize I just trust in that love and pray everyday that the lord can help me pay attention to what I need to do than it will be okay.

I had a pretty good weekend. Monday was errand day. I ran all the errands that i needed to for myself.

I also took my power back by writing out things that are important for me to focus on.. I made it very simple though. So simple that there is no excuse. My problem in the past is trying to do things really big and profound. I just need to master the small things and eventually everything works itself out. See when I try to always do things big and profound and I fall short I become very hard on myself.

I need to keep reading this scripture over and over again. By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.

I just realized yesterday I have access to everything I need to make my dreams come true. I was starting to get really stressed out with how can I have the money to afford a camera and computer. Well I asked the school library if they rent out cameras. They do. They  have the same camera that I wanted to buy. It counts the time 24 hours. Yeah. So there goes my wonderful vlogging camera that I was set on having it. I can save up for it still but in the meantime I can take advantage of what’s free and accessible. I am really blessed right now. So why do I get overwhelmed? It doesn’t even make sense. Also I am also learning not to judge myself so harshly. I fall short to my own expectations of myself. No longer.

here is my script

Gods in charge of my life. I am loved beyond measure. I am a good person. I deserve good things. I have all the opportunities available to me. I love people.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The fall of the 13th hour

So basically I made a choice of taking my power back. I had a green drink this morning at Jumba Juice. I kind of made it my own. It had banana, chocolate, almond milk, strawberry and greens. It was pretty good.

I went to a shop that sold herbs and got my water. I was talking to her about my green smoothie fast. She gave me some information about a place right behind the shop that is saleing a pound of greens in their smoothies. I than realized that If I didn't drink my smoothie today ...than that conversation wouldn't have happend. So I guess one smart good decision for life is the key to open many doors. Everything starts flowing to me.

Now I am thinking why not make good decisions all the time. Than many doors will open. The funny thing is I mentioned to her that the Universe is sooo good! Than as I walked over the shop I slipped on some black ice. The gift wasn't me slipping on the ice . It was how I responded. Instead of getting mad I just laughed at myself and enjoyed the comedy.

Anyway. I feel alot of good things coming my way. I am worthy of it.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Social skills is where it is at

So anyway I am reading this book now.

Everybody can learn to improve on this. This is life.

"My popularity, my happiness and sense of self worth depend to no small extent upon my skills with dealing with people"