Thursday, November 16, 2017

raw vegan food pyramid of health

I have been studying raw vegan for quite some time. There is a pyramid that can be followed to make it easier to remember .  It is different than the traditional American standard diet.

1.     Is the foundation of leafy green’s to choose from. The ones that are wild edible is the best choice. My favorite way to incorporate the most greens is making smoothies. I like to switch my leafy greens up by using kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, spinach, wheatgrass and spring mix. They have different fruits and components that do different things for your body.

2.     fruits and vegetables is second. The best thing Is making sure to use all the colors of the rainbow. It’s important to make sure that the fruit is blended well if you decide to make a smoothie. It’s better to blend your fruit with your greens inside of juice because too much juice equals more sugar.
3.     The third is  sprouts and legumes. I sprout seeds by powering water over it and let it soak for 24 hours and the dump the water out and lay it on it’s side and allow it to breathe and grow. I rinse the sprouts every 8 hours to make sure it stays clean. They usually sprout within 3 days. There is all types of sprouts.
4.     , nuts and seeds are used to sprinkle on a salad and it gives me enough fat to take away other cravings. There is so many good oils in nuts and seeds.
5.     The  herbs you can use in a smoothie or sprinkle some on salad to have flavor. Such as chives, dill, parsley, and cilantro.
6.      grass juice would be like a little shot of wheat grass and , algaue and

7.     nutrional yeast can be sprinkled on salad to make sure to have b12

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

championship training 101 in 7 steps


I am starting a program called championship training. This is a program that is simple for me to stick to. The reason I feel it’s easy to stick to is because it’s
 7 simple steps that are to help me build my confidence in making goals and keeping them. I have failed in the past because I have put too much energy in trying to do everything all at once. I feel I am trying to compensate for the times I have failed at keeping goals. I realize the only reason I have not kept goals in the past is because I would get too overwhelmed. I feel that Balance is key to making goals. It’s important to stretch myself enough, but at the same time not overdo it either. The first step in making meaningful goals is to do so in Divine order.  Prioritizing in such a way that it works together and takes into account proper timing and execution. Here are the 7 steps that keep me on track.
    Spirituality is the first thing I pay attention to. I feel it’s important because if I don’t have that in order than the other goals I have will seem to fall apart. The spirituality, is like the magnifying glass. It’s the proper eyes and proper desires that bring out my divine gifts.  I feel that connecting with the god daily helps me see things I may have not noticed before, it also helps me forgive people which is the 2nd step , that may have placed the wrong type of lens on my true authentic self.  If I forgive people from the past it helps me not make goals that are in light and truth, not by walking in other people’s shadows. Forgiveness also frees me to feel confident and empowered in my own right.
 The third is acceptance and gratitude, when I do this is helps me realize all the blessings and tools I already have to make my goals work. If I was feeling lack than it gives me the illusion that I don’t have the proper tools ore means to make my dreams come true.
  The fourth is mastering the mundane and turning it into a habit. There are basic things that need to be done daily that get the brain to be able to focus on creating. If I have a goal to be fit, then working on thirty-minute exercise daily will get me there. 

The fifth is learning how to save money and be financially responsible. Money and savings help me to be able to pay for the things I need to pay for that will help me reach my goals. If I was stressed about money that takes my mind off of goals and instead worry which is the opposite of being empowered. 
The sixth step is learning which helps me stretch my mind , and allows me create more. It helps with new ideas and broadens my horizon. 

TImage result for actionhe 7th step is action and doing the work to make things happen. This program works for me and I feel that it could help others as well in their journey. 

Friday, January 27, 2017



  1. Choose kombucha over soda
  2. Choose lar bars over  sugar simple sugar sweets.
  3. Choose coconut chips over regular processed
  4. Choose veggie patty over meat
  5. Choose cashew cheese over cow’s cheese
  6. Choose organic over processed food.
  7. Choose smiling over  pouting.

vegan and fun day for one meal.  First thing when you get up in the morning. Drink a juice or a smoothie. Than have cheat meal which follows the 7 golden rules of health plan

REST DAY!!!!!  smoothies. Enzymes and Probotics. Day for healing.

REST DAY!!! Smoothie. Enzymes and probitoics.

Thursday: FUN DAY!!!  Meal day vegan!!  drink smoothie in mornin

REST DAY!!! smoothie. Enzymes and probitoics.

REST DAY!!! Smoothie. Enzymes and probitoics.
sunday :
REST DAY!!! Smoothie. Enzymes and probitoics.

On days of rest find something different and creative to do to transitioning into a life that is more than food.

There will be more space to fill in things that you passionate about.