Friday, October 23, 2015


We Are Loved

We identify with our divine nature as we feel and give the love of our Father in Heaven. We have the agency to nurture it, let it flourish, and help it grow. Peter said we are given “precious promises” that we “might be partakers of the divine nature.”5 As we understand who we are—daughters of God—we begin to feel those precious promises.Looking out through a window, not just into a mirror, allows us to see ourselves as His

We are His. Paul said, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.”7 Often the first Primary song we learn is “I Am a Child of God.”8Now it is time to take that beloved phrase “I am a child of God” and add the words “Therefore, what?” We might even ask questions such as these: “What will I do to live my life as a child of God?” “How can I develop the divine nature that is within me?”

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “God sent you here to prepare for a future greater than anything you can imagine.”9 That future, a day at a time, comes alive when you do more than just exist; it comes alive when you live your life to fill the measure of your creation. This invites the Lord into your life, and you begin to let His will become yours.

Monday, October 12, 2015

I got this

So I have in the past at times allowed people that I didn't know at all measure my worthiness. I have had and have really good friends. There has always been mutual respect of ones that I call friends or ever called friends.

For some reason though. People that I have never met or even care to I have allowed to bring me down. I am not sure why I have allowed myself to be drawn into that.

It's okay though because I am freeing myself and giving my self permission and knowing that I deserve love!

I am proud of the person I am.

Friday, October 9, 2015

The sailor.

A poem I wrote today about us all being sailors
The sailor grabbed his bag. Heavy from the past. He brought it TO the ship .to bring upon the raft. 
Than he set sail. 
To the raging sea. The raging sea. He laughed at it's might. With fear in his salty eyes. The truth sunk in deep . Nothing's what it seems. A perfect dream cant not be found escaping reality. The island of home. not beyond the storm.  Stillness within. Leads us  sailors in. To the treasured hope.that keeps us all afloat.  Like the sunsets in. reflecting  deep within. Bold our we. Choosen to be. Creators of the new. old souls amongst the endless blue

Thursday, October 8, 2015


I am highly embarrassed that I allowed myself to be duped with someone I don't know. I am sad that it took me this long to wake up to who that person is or appears to be.

I hope that I won't allow myself to be duped again. I look the best in people and than that is my downfall.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

I am looking forward to better communication skills

I feel I communicate pretty well most of the time. I also feel I am a very good listener. It doesn't hur to get better though. I am going to read the book how to win freinds and influence people.